Comments on this blog maybe made to strandbg@aol.comThomas Wyatt(1503-42) used over 70 different stanza forms,(see my blog but is especially known for the poulter's measure form(an alexandrine ,12 syllables,alternating with a fourteener 14 syllables,often used for serious statements or for burlesque.
Wyatt's Poulters Measure form can be read in the following couplet poem of his
From thought to thought,from hill to hill,love doth me lead
Clean contrary from restful life ,these common paths I tread
and in his 100 line canzoni the first line of which is
So feeble is the thread that doth the burden stay
Henry Howard,Earl of Surrey's "Complaint of the Absence of her lover, being upon the sea" (1547) :
Good ladies, ye that have your pleasure in exile
Step in your foot, come take a place, and mourn with me awhile,
other blogs to be found by clicking my profile
also can be found
in my strand guides and poetic forms series on kindle